

基于州法律, the 审计长bet356英国在线 establishes chargeback accounts between departments of the Commonwealth of 质量achusetts.

A chargeback account is established in MMARS after the seller department completes a 退款授权表格 并提交给CTR法律团队. 然后,CTR向卖方部门颁发“ISELL”供应商代码.

The seller department can then begin creating and sending encumbrance documents to the Commonwealth departments purchasing their services.

Written and verbal communication between the SELLER and BUYER department is crucial to make this business process work effectively.



  •  For easy recognition, the Seller should not use the Auto Numbering option.
  • They should create a document ID code that describes the purpose of the IE.
  • The Seller completes the Vendor section by entering their Vendor Customer code (ISELLXXXXXXX).
  • The Seller enters the amount of the IE in the Line Amount field of the General Information sub-section of the Accounting section.
  • The Seller enters the approved Object Code into the Fund Accounting subsection of the Accounting Section.
  • 卖方保存IE.
  • IE创建完成后, the Seller should email the Buyer to notify that the IE is on the document catalog.


  • 当买方看到文档目录上的IE时, 他们应核实金额并进入基金, 子基金, 部门, 单位, 和基金的审计股.
  • Accounting sub-section and any required information in the Detail Accounting subsection of the Accounting section.
  • 买方应验证IE. (不应提交).
  • The Buyer should email the Seller to inform him/her that the IE is ready to be submitted to FINAL status.


  • The Seller should review the information on the IE and if they agree, 他们应该提交到FINAL状态.



1. ITI不仅作为账单(发票), but it contains the Seller’s revenue account that will be copied forward to the ITA.

2. 卖方不应使用Doc ID的自动编号选项. They should create a document ID code that can be identified by the Seller and Buyer easily.

3. 如果只有一个ITI引用IE, 应该使用与IE相同的Doc ID代码. 如果有多个IE引用, The Doc ID could consist of the first 18 characters of the IEs Doc ID with the last 2 characters used as an ITI counter.

4. The Initiator field in the General Information sub-section of the Header section must be Provider/Seller.

5. The Seller enters their vendor code into the 1st Party Information sub-section of the Header section.

6. The Seller enters “INTDEPTBUYER” into the 2nd Party Information sub-section of the Vendor Section.

7. The Seller selects the Event Type located in the General Information sub-section of the Accounting section. The event type depends on the fund and sub fund values of the Seller’s revenue account and the Buyer’s expense account. The Seller can get the Buyer’s fund and sub fund from the Fund Accounting sub-section of the Accounting section in the IE.

8. If both the fund and sub fund of the Buyer’s expense account is the same as the fund and sub fund of the Seller’s revenue account, 事件类型为IN06. If either the fund of the Buyer’s expense is different than the fund of the Seller’s revenue account or the sub fund of the Buyer’s expense is different than the sub fund of the Seller’s revenue account, 事件类型为IN04.

9. If an IE has multiple lines and the ITI lines corresponding to that IE need to have different event types, 每个事件类型都必须这样做.

10. The Seller enters the Line Amount located in the General Information sub-section of the Accounting section.

11. 卖方进入收入账户的基金, 子基金, 部门, 单位, and Revenue Source in the Fund Accounting sub-section of the Accounting section.

12. 卖方确认ITI.

13. 卖方将ITI提交给Final.

14. The Seller must send an email notifying the Buyer the ITI has been completed and the Buyer 部门 should copy forward from the ITI and complete the ITA to transfer the funds.


The Buyer must complete the ITA to transfer funds to the Seller’s revenue account

1. 完成ITA的创建, the 1st Party Information sub-section of the Header section is inferred from the ITI.

2. 建议:帮助ITI与ITA协调, “ITA Doc ID”与“ITI Doc ID”保持一致.

3. The Initiator Reference sub-section in the Initiator Reference section is carried forward from the ITI and the other sub-sections in the Initiator Reference section are inferred.

4. The Event Type will be inferred in the General Information sub-section of the 2nd Party Accounting section. 买方输入Line Amount.

5. 买方输入IE文档ID, 参考供应商线, and Ref Accounting Line into the Reference sub-section of the 2nd Party accounting section. The information in the Fund Accounting and Detail Accounting sub-sections will be inferred from the referenced IE.

6. The ITA can have multiple lines in the Accounting section with each line having a different IE reference.

7. The ITA document total must equal the referenced ITI document total.

8. 买方对ITA进行验证.

9. 买方将ITA提交给Final并通知卖方.


每两周一次, 在星期二发工资之后的星期四, IET documents are created so that the Commonwealth can pay Medicare tax, 失业保险, and universal health insurance contributions on behalf of Commonwealth employees.

各部门应定期检查, 在创建IET文档的星期四, 查看是否有文件处于拒绝状态. It is important to note that departments can currently view the documents and the error messages, 但CTR必须做出调整,以清除它们.



The ISA is the contract that documents the business agreement (joint venture) between two Commonwealth departments within any branch of state 政府ernment.



The purpose of this policy is to provide all departments with rules and procedures for chargebacks, 哪一个, 要求从一个部门向另一个部门支付资金.
